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Тағайындау 27 Тамыз, 2019

TV and radio complex of the President director general appointed

158 рет

Raushan Kazhibayeva appointed as a director general of TV and radio complex of the President of Kazakhstan. It was announced by President’s press secretary Berik Uali on his Facebook account.  

Все права защищены. Используйте активную ссылку на inform.kz https://www.inform.kz/en/kazakh-president-s-tv-and-radio-complex-director-general-named_a3559870

"Prior to the appointment Raushan Kazhibayeva has acted as Advisor to the Prime Minister of Kazakhstan, Advisor to the Chairman of the Senate of the Parliament of Kazakhstan, head of the press service of the Senate of the Parliament, worked at the KTK and Qazaqstan republican TV channels", posts Berik Uali.